Documentary co-produced by VCA lecturers premieres at Melbourne International Film Festival

Two women face each other in a boxing ring
The film will screen as MIFF’s inaugural ‘Premiere with Purpose’.

A documentary feature film co-produced by Senior Lecturers in Film and Television at the Victorian College of the Arts, Dr Donna Lyon and Shannon Owen, will premiere at the 2024 Melbourne International Film Festival (MIFF).

The documentary Left Write Hook, directed by Shannon Owen, profiles a program of the same name — a peer-led, trauma-informed group recovery program for victim-survivors of child sexual abuse — which is led by Dr Lyon. The film will screen as MIFF’s inaugural ‘Premiere with Purpose’ on 14 August.

Dr Lyon says she is delighted the film has a platform to share its story of the life-changing program Left Write Hook.

“This documentary is a testament to the power of creative practice research in bridging the divide between academia, industry, and community,” says Dr Lyon.

“It showcases how interdisciplinary collaborative efforts can lead to transformative outcomes, not only in the lives of trauma survivors but also in enriching our understanding of effective recovery programs. We hope this film inspires further integration of creative methodologies in research and industry practices.”

Professor Emma Redding, Director of the Victorian College of the Arts, says “the MIFF screening of Left Write Hook is significant — a documentary that serves as evidence of the power of creative practice on recovery and healing. I'm thrilled for VCA colleagues Dr Shannon Owen and Dr Donna Lyon for their important and highly relevant film.”

“This film not only highlights the transformative potential of creative arts in therapeutic settings but is a testament to the dedication and innovative approaches of Dr Lyon and Dr Owen in addressing such challenging issues.”

The Left Write Hook program was earlier this year awarded a Medical Research Future Funding (MRFF) grant of almost $600,000 for a three-year study that will assess the outcomes of the program on participants, both mentally and physically.

The University of Melbourne is proud to be the official Learning Partner of the Melbourne International Film Festival.