Fine Arts Orientation Schedules

Professor Emma Redding, Director of the Victorian College of the Arts

A message from Professor Emma Redding, Director of the Victorian College of the Arts

The VCA is a special place. We welcome artists from around the globe to join our vibrant community of creators. As a unique and inspiring school, the VCA offers you the opportunity to explore, grow, and thrive. It is our privilege to support you on this journey, and we look forward to witnessing all that you will achieve and become.

Our world-class programs span visual and performing arts, film and television, design and production, as well as creative arts therapies.

At the VCA, artists and collaborators come together to discover, share, and create. Here, connections are forged, boundaries are pushed, and possibilities are realized. Welcome to the VCA!

Bachelor of Fine Arts
Acting and Theatre

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

Wednesday 26 February

1.00-2.00pm, Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
Meet your mentor in Linear Park

Check you student email for more details on 20 February.

2.00-4.00pm, Melbourne Commencement Celebration
Join the celebrations in the Wilin Garden

2.00-3.30pm, Crafting in the Library (optional)
Set up on Ground Level, The Southbank Hub 

Get to know the Southbank Library and enjoy a drop-in craft session.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

1.30-2.30pm, Acting and Theatre Orientation
Delivered in Space 28 (Room G05, Building 879)

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Bachelor of Fine Arts


Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-3.30pm, Film and Television Department Orientation
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

3.30-4.15pm, Film and Television Department Tours
Departing from Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

4.15-5.00pm, Film and Television Community Induction
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

Wednesday 26 February

1.00-2.00pm, Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
Meet your mentor in Linear Park

Check you student email for more details on 20 February.

2.00-4.00pm, Melbourne Commencement Celebration
Join the celebrations in the Wilin Garden

2.00-3.30pm, Crafting in the Library (optional)
Set up on Ground Level, The Southbank Hub 

Get to know the Southbank Library and enjoy a drop-in craft session.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Bachelor of Fine Arts


Monday 24 February

3.00-3.30pm, Welcome to VCA Dance
Meet outside Building 864 facing St Kilda Road

3.30-4.30pm, Dance Culture and Community
Delivered in Room 202, Building 864

4.30-5.30pm, Dance Inductions
Delivered in Building 864

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

Wednesday 26 February

9.00am-10.30am, Open Improvisation Class
Delivered in Room 202, Building 864

11.00am-12.15pm, Dancer Health, Safety, and Wellness
Delivered in Room 202, Building 864

1.00-2.00pm, Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
Meet your mentor in Linear Park

Check you student email for more details on 20 February.

2.00-4.00pm, Melbourne Commencement Celebration
Join the celebrations in the Wilin Garden

2.00-3.30pm, Crafting in the Library (optional)
Set up on Ground Level, The Southbank Hub 

Get to know the Southbank Library and enjoy a drop-in craft session.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00-10.30am, Open Contemporary Class
Delivered in Room 202, Building 864

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

1.15-6.00pm, Dancing City Tour (optional)
Departing from the Building 864 foyer

View the tour schedule

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Film and Television

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-3.30pm, Film and Television Department Orientation
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

3.30-4.15pm, Film and Television Department Tours
Departing from Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

4.15-5.00pm, Film and Television Community Induction
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

Wednesday 26 February

1.00-2.00pm, Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
Meet your mentor in Linear Park

Check you student email for more details on 20 February.

2.00-4.00pm, Melbourne Commencement Celebration
Join the celebrations in the Wilin Garden

2.00-3.30pm, Crafting in the Library (optional)
Set up on Ground Level, The Southbank Hub 

Get to know the Southbank Library and enjoy a drop-in craft session.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Bachelor of Fine Arts

Music Theatre

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Monday 24 February

10.00am-12.00pm, Music Diagnostic Test
Delivered in Grant Street Theatre (Room G01, Building 872)

12.00-12.30pm, Seating Bank Induction
Delivered in Grant Street Theatre (Room G01, Building 872)

1.30-3.00pm, Introduction to Music Theatre Dance: Class 1
Delivered in Red Studio 2 (Room G04, Building 871)

4.00pm-5.30pm, First Year Song Sharing
Delivered in Red Studio 2 (Room G04, Building 871)

5.45-6.00pm, Singing Meeting
Delivered in Red Studio 2 (Room G04, Building 871)

6.00-8.00pm, Student-led Dinner (optional)
Location TBC

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

3.00-5.30pm, Narrative Shift - Wellbeing and Culture
Delivered in Red Studio 2 (Room G04, Building 871)

6.00-8.00, Student-led Welcome and Icebreakers (optional)
Hosted at Blondie Bar

Wednesday 26 February

10.00am-12.00pm, Introduction to Music Theatre Dance: Class 2
Delivered in Red Studio 2 (Room G04, Building 871)

1.00-2.00pm, Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
Meet your mentor in Linear Park

Check you student email for more details on 20 February.

2.00-4.00pm, Melbourne Commencement Celebration
Join the celebrations in the Wilin Garden

2.00-3.30pm, Crafting in the Library (optional)
Set up on Ground Level, The Southbank Hub 

Get to know the Southbank Library and enjoy a drop-in craft session.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

8.30-9.00am, Buddy System Meeting
Delivered in Grant Street Theatre (Room G01, Building 872)

9:15-10:45am Introduction to Music Theatre Dance: Class 3
Delivered in Red Studio 2 (Room G04, Building 871)

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

12.30-1.00pm, Stock Shop Tour
Delivered in The Stock Shop

2.00-5.00pm, Anti-racism Training
Delivered in Red Studio 1 (Room G01, Building 871)

5.30-6.30pm, Buddy Activity (optional)
Location TBC

Friday 28 February

9.00-9.30am, Choosing Breadth Subjects
Delivered in Red Studio 1 (Room G01, Building 871)

9.45-10.45am, Vocal Health
Delivered in Red Studio 3 (Room G05, Building 871)

11.00am-6.00pm, Individual Singing Sessions
To be advised

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation backpack filled with scholarship information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

2.00-5.00pm, Global Atelier Third Year Assessment Viewing
Delivered in Grant Street Theatre (Room G01, Building 872)

7.00-9.00pm, Welcome Party (optional)
Location TBC

Bachelor of Fine Arts


Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-3.15pm, Bachelor of Fine Arts (Production) Orientation
Delivered in Grant Street Theatre (Room G01, Building 872)

3.15-4.00pm, Production Tours
Departing from Grant Street Theatre (Room G01, Building 872)

Wednesday 26 February

1.00-2.00pm, Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
Meet your mentor in Linear Park

Check you student email for more details on 20 February.

2.00-4.00pm, Melbourne Commencement Celebration
Join the celebrations in the Wilin Garden

2.00-3.30pm, Crafting in the Library (optional)
Set up on Ground Level, The Southbank Hub 

Get to know the Southbank Library and enjoy a drop-in craft session.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

2.00-3.00pm, All-School Design and Production Meeting
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Bachelor of Fine Arts


Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-3.30pm, Film and Television Department Orientation
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

3.30-4.15pm, Film and Television Department Tours
Departing from Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

4.15-5.00pm, Film and Television Community Induction
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

Wednesday 26 February

1.00-2.00pm, Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
Meet your mentor in Linear Park

Check you student email for more details on 20 February.

2.00-4.00pm, Melbourne Commencement Celebration
Join the celebrations in the Wilin Garden

2.00-3.30pm, Crafting in the Library (optional)
Set up on Ground Level, The Southbank Hub 

Get to know the Southbank Library and enjoy a drop-in craft session.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Bachelor of Fine Art
Visual Art

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-5.00pm, Visual Art Orientation
Join the session in Teaching Workshop (Room 179, Building 874)

Core information session for all Visual Art students, including studio tours, and inductions.

Wednesday 26 February

1.00-2.00pm, Melbourne Peer Mentoring Program
Meet your mentor in Linear Park

Check you student email for more details on 20 February.

2.00-4.00pm, Melbourne Commencement Celebration
Join the celebrations in the Wilin Garden

2.00-3.30pm, Crafting in the Library (optional)
Set up on Ground Level, The Southbank Hub 

Get to know the Southbank Library and enjoy a drop-in craft session.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours)

Film and Television

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-3.30pm, Film and Television Department Orientation
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

3.30-4.15pm, Film and Television Department Tours
Departing from Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

4.15-5.00pm, Film and Television Community Induction
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours)
Visual Art

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-5.00pm, Visual Art Orientation
Join the session in Teaching Workshop (Room 179, Building 874)

Core information session for all Visual Art students, including studio tours, and inductions.

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Graduate Certificate in Visual Art

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-5.00pm, Visual Art Orientation
Join the session in Teaching Workshop (Room 179, Building 874)

Core information session for all Visual Art students, including studio tours, and inductions.

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Master of Contemporary Art

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-5.00pm, Visual Art Orientation
Join the session in Teaching Workshop (Room 179, Building 874)

Core information session for all Visual Art students, including studio tours, and inductions.

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Master of Creative Arts Therapy

(Dance Movement Therapy)

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Monday 24 February

9.00am-12.00pm, Course Opening Ritual
Delivered in Room 201, Building 879

1.00pm-5.00pm, Dance Movement Therapy Methods 1
Delivered in Red Studio 1 (Room G01, Building 871)

Tuesday 25 February

10.30am-1.00pm, Southbank Welcome Day
Commencing in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

Hear from your Dean and Directors at the Faculty Orientation. Participate in a Smoking Ceremony and enjoy a festival with free lunch and entertainment.

Register now

1.00-4.00pm, Creative Arts Therapy Practice 1
Delivered in Room 222, Building 860
Online option available

Wednesday 26 February

9.00am-5.00pm, Dance Movement Therapy Methods 1
Delivered in Room 202, Building 879

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-5.00pm, Dance Movement Therapy Methods 1
Delivered in Room 302, Building 864

Friday 28 February

9.00am-5.00pm, Dance Movement Therapy Methods 1
Delivered in Room 302, Building 864

Master of Creative Arts Therapy

(Drama Therapy)

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Monday 24 February

9.00am-12.00pm, Course Opening Ritual
Delivered in Room 201, Building 879

1.00-5.00pm, Drama Therapy Methods 1
Delivered in Room 201, Building 879

Tuesday 25 February

10.30am-1.00pm, Southbank Welcome Day
Commencing in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

Hear from your Dean and Directors at the Faculty Orientation. Participate in a Smoking Ceremony and enjoy a festival with free lunch and entertainment.

Register now

1.00-4.00pm, Creative Arts Therapy Practice 1
Delivered in Room 222, Building 860
Online option available

Wednesday 26 February

9.00am-5.00pm, Drama Therapy Methods 1
Delivered in Room 201, Building 879

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-5.00pm, Drama Therapy Methods 1
Delivered in Room 201, Building 879

Friday 28 February

9.00am-5.00pm, Drama Therapy Methods 1
Delivered in Room 201, Building 879

Master of Dance

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Monday 24 February

3.00-3.30pm, Welcome to VCA Dance
Meet outside Building 864 on St Kilda Road

3.30-4.30pm, Dance Culture and Community
Delivered in Room 202, Building 864

4.40-5.30pm, Dance Inductions
Delivered in Building 864

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

Wednesday 26 February

9.00-10.30am, Open Improvisation Class
Delivered in Room 202, Building 864

11.00am-12.15pm, Dancer Health, Safety, and Wellness
Delivered in Room 202, Building 864

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00-10.30am Open Contemporary Class 
Delivered in Room 202, Building 864

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

1.15-6.00pm, Dancing City Tour (optional)
Departing from the Building 864 foyer

View the tour schedule

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Master of Design and Production

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

3.00-5.30pm, Master of Design and Production Orientation
Delivered in Room 321, Building 860

Meet course coordinator Jo Briscoe at the main entrance of Building 860 (Elisabeth Murdoch Building) on St Kilda Road.

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

2.00-3.00pm, All-School Design and Production Meeting
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Register now

3.00-4.00pm, Campus Tour
Departing from Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

4.15-5.00pm, Teaching Workshop Induction
Meet at Teaching Workshop (Room 178, Building 874)

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Master of Film and Television

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-3.30pm, Film and Television Department Orientation
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

3.30-4.15pm, Film and Television Department Tours
Departing from Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

4.15-5.00pm, Film and Television Community Induction
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Master of Screenwriting

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-3.30pm, Film and Television Department Orientation
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

3.30-4.00pm, Film and Television Department Tours
Departing from Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

4.00-5.00pm, Introduction to Master of Screenwriting
Delivered in Rushes 1 (Room 228, Building 861)

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Master of Theatre

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now

Monday 3 March

11.00am-3.00pm, Master of Theatre Orientation
Meet in Voice Studio (Room 213, Building 879)

Graduate Research

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Graduate research students enrolled in Methods in Artistic Research (CREA90001) will find their pre-semester class times on the subject timetable. Class times will be adjusted to allow attendance at relevant Orientation activities. Methods in Artistic Research applies to students commencing the following:

  • MFA/PhD (Visual Art)
  • MFA/PhD (Dance)
  • MFA/PhD (Design)
  • MFA/PhD (Theatre)
  • MFA/PhD (Film & TV)
  • MFA/PhD (Indigenous Arts and Culture)

Tuesday 25 February

9.30-10.30am, Library and Academic Skills for FFAM Graduate Researchers
Delivered in Southbank Library Popout Space (Level 1, Southbank Hub)

10.30-11.30am, Faculty Orientation 
Southbank Welcome Day starts here with your official welcome to the Fine Arts and Music community.
Hosted live from Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony 
Take a moment by the fire to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land.
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-12.45pm, Graduate Research Information Session 
Meet the Associate Directors of Research, key staff contacts, and your fellow students.
Delivered in the Prudence Myer Studio, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

12.45-3.00pm, Southbank Welcome Day 
Meet your fellow research students and academic staff and enjoy a free lunch and entertainment. 
Delivered in Wilin Garden

Register now

Wednesday 26 February

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now

2.00-3.00pm, All-School Design and Production Meeting (Design and Production research students only)
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Register now

Friday 28 February

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now