Bachelor of Music (Honours)

Interactive Composition

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

Wednesday 26 February

9.00-10.45am, Conservatorium of Music Orientation and Morning Tea
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre (Room 313, Building 880)

Register now

10.45am-12.30pm, Bachelor of Music (Honours) (Interactive Composition) Information Session
Delivered in Small Ensemble Room (Room 203, Building 862)

1.30-3.30pm, Crafternoon (optional)
Hosted in Southbank Hub After Hours Study Zone

Take a break and join the Southbank Library crew for a drop-in craft session to make your own badges or take part in our collaborative art installation.

5.00-6.00pm, Scholarship Application Information Session (optional)
Delivered via Zoom 

Interested in a scholarship? Learn more about the application process and get your questions answered by the  Fine Arts and Music Scholarships Office. Please note, registered attendees can submit questions ahead of time and will receive a copy of the recording and slide pack.

Register now

Thursday 27 February

9.00am-11.00am, Drop-in Enrolment Lab (optional)
Delivered in the Digital Teaching Hub (Room G09, Building 863)

An optional, drop-in session for anyone needing course planning or enrolment support.

Friday 28 February

9.00am-12.00pm, Hearing protection fitting and education sessions
Conducted in Room 415, Building 880

This is a drop-in session. Please allow 15-minutes for your fitting.

11.00am-12.00pm, Meditation session (optional)
Hosted in Room 202, Building 860

Expand your ability to find peace and wellbeing before the busy semester begins.

1.00-2.00pm, Mob Feed (First Nations students only)
Hosted in The Wilin Centre, Student Gathering Space

Come have a feed and meet your fellow First Nations students. Check out the new Wilin student lounge and receive your Wilin Orientation tote bag filled with information, resources, and goodies.

Register now