Master of Film and Television (Screen Producing)

Pre-Orientation Workshops are scheduled from 14 - 21 February and are designed to help you get started. 

Explore the program

Tuesday 25 February

Southbank Welcome Day

10.30am-11.30am, Faculty Orientation
Delivered in Hanson Dyer Hall, Ian Potter Southbank Centre

11.30am-12.00pm, Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
Delivered in Linear Park

12.00-3.00pm, Welcome Day Festival

Register now

2.30-3.30pm, Film and Television Department Orientation
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

3.30-4.15pm, Film and Television Department Tours
Departing from Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

4.15-5.00pm, Film and Television Community Induction
Delivered in Federation Hall (Room 205, Building 861)

Thursday 27 February

11.00am-12.30pm, VCA Assembly
Delivered in Martyn Myer Arena (Room G91, Building 873)

Hear from VCA Director Professor Emma Redding, then take the opportunity to connect with your peers and academics.

Register now