

Fiona and Sidney Myer Gallery


Corinna Berndt - Text(ure)
Corinna Berndt, Text(ure) Map, 2020. Digital collage, dimensions variable.

DataCosmics: Understanding private and subjective relationships to digital technologies through a contemplative artistic practice

Corinna Berndt’s research proposes DataCosmics as an auto-poetic framework for understanding subjective relationships to digital technologies through artistic practice. Tracing emergent situated networks of material and metaphorical connections between humans and technology through contemporary art and culture, and working with various methods of digital re-materialisation, including 3D printing, data weaving, and ceramic coding, the research offers a retronymic re-consideration of the value of material processes and new ways to creatively engage with computing, by strengthening implicit connections between craft and digital technologies.This research then also examines the mutually responsive interplay of the subjective technological imagination on perceived understandings of new technologies.

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Corinna Berndt

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