Conservatorium Subject Enrolment Application Forms

Subject & FormEnrolment Requirements

Chamber Music subjects – Group Application

All students who wish to be considered for Chamber Music must be included in a Chamber Music application as part of a proposed chamber group.

Students who wish to enrol or participate are required to apply for permission for the following subjects:

Minor Music Performance 1-4 Application

For Performance Major students who may wish to apply for a second instrument or Composition students who may wish to continue their main instrument along with their Composition Major.

Students who wish to enrol or participate are required to apply for permission for the following subjects:

MUSI10220 Practical Music 1 Application

Students who wish apply for permission to enrol in the subject:

MUSI10220 Practical Music 1

MUSI90260 Special Ensemble Project 1 Application

For students who wish to apply for permission to enrol in the subject:

MUSI90260 Special Ensemble Project 1

MUSI30031 Electro-Acoustic Music Application

For Non-Composition students who wish to apply for permission to enrol in the subject:

MUSI30031 Electro-Acoustic Music

MUSI40056 Special Study Application

Students who wish apply for permission to enrol in the subject:

MUSI40056 Special Study

Composition Specialisation (B-MUS PCME) Application

Students who wish apply for permission to enrol in the Composition Specialisation (B-MUS PCME)