A/Prof Drew Bird

Head of Program (Creative Arts Therapy)

A/Prof Drew Bird, Ph.D., is a registered Drama Therapist. He is Head of the Creative Arts Therapies Program and Drama Therapy lead. His clinical background is child and adolescent mental health, adult mental health, palliative care, learning disabilities and school settings. He joined the Dramatherapy journal editorial board in 2019 and was editor of the Journal from 2021- 2023. Currently he sits on the editorial board of the Creative Arts in Education and Therapy Journal (CAET) and co-editing a book on drama therapy, spirituality and religion. Recent research interests and publications have focussed on heuristic inquiry, arts-based research, a/r/tography and dramatic improvisation and performance as research into therapy and teaching practice. He has a long-standing practice in Playback Theatre as both actor, trainer and director.