She Kills Monsters

by Qui Nguyen

Directed by Joe Paradise Lui

Featuring Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting) and Bachelor of Fine Arts (Production) students.

A Sword and Sorcery romp about the power and potential of make-believe.

Agnes Evans is a high school teacher dealing with the grief of her sister. She finds her sister's Dungeons and Dragons notebook, and determined to learn something of Tilly, steps outside of her every day small-town life and into a world of wizards, elves, trolls, and goblins that was the emotional refuge of her sister. Join Agnes as she teams up with Chuck, a DM who's big where it counts (his brain), and a team of Tilly's high school misfit friends, to discover the secrets Tilly has left for her to find, and ultimately, discover herself.

Content Warning: This performance contains course language, verbal abuse, adult themes, references to sexual acts and simulated of violence. This performance also incorporates haze, flashing and strobe lights, lighting changes including blackouts, sudden loud noises, and loud music with heavy bass.

This performance will run for approximately 85 minutes with no interval.

Complete Credits


17th Oct 2023
21st Oct 2023


Studio 4
Performing Arts Building 879

 Further information

Type: Performance
School: Victorian College of the Arts