Non-Discipline Specific Scholarships

NameValueOpen DateEligibility
AE Floyd Memorial ScholarshipApproximately $3,000Applications open in March annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Under 30; Music alumni, UoM or other University; travel; One award
AEH Nickson Travelling ScholarshipApproximately $4,000Applications open in March biennially (odd years). Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Music graduate; Travel; One award
Alan C Rose Memorial Trust ScholarshipApproximately $10,000 in total - multiple awardsApplications open in July annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Project grants & Travel; project must be 'Australian' but applicant can be international or domestic, One or more awards; UG or PG
Barbara Bishop Hewitt ScholarshipApproximately $5,500Applications open in March annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Graduate of school of Music; One or more awards; Further study in Australia or overseas
CG McWilliam BequestApproximately between $500 and $5,000 per recipientApplications are not required.*Best student, final year BMus, One award plus additional awards as determined
Cutler Scholarship and Cutler PrizesOne scholarship for a commencing student into the BFA would be $10,000 p.a. paid for the full degree.
One or more student prizes of $2500 per prize.
Applications are not required.*For the grant of student prizes or scholarships for excellence as determined by the Director of the Victorian College of the Arts
Donovan-Johnston Memorial ScholarshipApproximately between $6,000 and $12,000 per recipientApplications open in March annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Graduate of school of Music; under 30; One or more awards; travelling to undertake a study program
Desma Woolcock ScholarshipApproximately $450Applications are not required.*Music, UG, One award
E&L Jullyan Memorial ScholarshipApproximately $800Applications are not required.*2nd year student; music; one award
EC Wellisch BequestApproximately $6,500Applications open in February annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.1 or more, financial need, no music specification; UG or PG
Ellinor Gertrude Harris BequestApproximately between $500 and $5,000 per recipientApplications are not required.*For the grant of student prizes or scholarships for excellence as determined by the Director of the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music
Faculty Graduate Student Assistance Grants (FGSAG)up to a maximum of $500 per approved awardApplications open in March annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.PG students in any Fine Arts and Music Faculty discipline for approved expenses.  Must be claimed with receipts
Florence Bradford ScholarshipApproximately  $5,000Applications are not required.*1 or more, UG or PG, Music student
Gerda Nicolson Award $5,000 Applications open in February annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.female undegraduate Indigenous student in one of theatre, music theatre or music performance. Preference for second year student
Grace Funston ScholarshipApproximately $11,000 in total, multiple awardsApplications are not required.*UG or PG, classical piano -aged 25 yrs or under; One or more
Hutchinson Indigenous Fellowship$50,000Candidates are asked to apply by invitation. Indigenous emerging artists of performing and visual arts
Ivy May Pendlebury BursariesApproximately $20,000 in total - multiple awardsApplications open in February annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.1 or more, Church of England members, UG
Jim Marks Postgraduate ScholarshipApproximately $7,000 in total - multiple awardsApplications open in March annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Aust citizen or PR; Financial Need; Graduate student. Project or travel.  Shortlisted applicants will be called for a short interview with the selection committee.
Joyce McKenna ScholarshipApproximately $30,000 in total - multiple awardsApplications open in March annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Music graduates; Most talented; Travel; One or more awards
June Frances Ball Award$4,000, multiple awardsApplications are not required.*To support a student of Coursework master degree programs in either music therapy, music performance teaching, opera performance, or orchestral performance.
Lady Turner Exhibitions in MusicApproximately $7,000 in total, multiple awardsApplications are not required.*Solo performance BMus student, up to 5 exhibitions
Lady Turner PrizesApproximately $50Applications are not required.*Music, UG, end 1st year, 2 awards
Lizette Bentwitch ScholarshipApproximately $8,000Applications open in March biennially (even years). Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.PG; Alternates every 2 years between Art & FAM, next 2020-21
Study overseas, tenable for 2 years, graduate
M & E Kefford BursaryApproximately $1,000Applications open in March annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.1 or more, British subjects (see list at application page), Victorian residents, UG or PG
Orloff Family Charitable Trust AwardApproximately $3,500 per recipientApplications are not required.*Dance, Theatre, Music Theatre, Film & Television, Production, Visual Art, Jazz & Improvisation, Interactive Composition, Classical Music
Ormond Exhibitions AwardsApproximately $8,000 in total, multiple awardsApplications are not required.*UG or PG, Music, 5 awards (2 x 2nd year; 2 x 3rd year; 1 x PG/Research)
Phillip Hunter Fellowship$15,000Applications open in July annually. Applications will close 30 September.1 award, any FAM discipline, individuals or group projects, primary applicant must be a graduate of less than 10 years, to create a new work with environmental focus and public impact.  Created work must be exhibited or accessible for public display.

First Nations Pride Scholarship

$30,000 per year of approved candidacy

Applications open in February annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.1 award, First Nations and/or LGBTQIA+ identifying student
Rose Mant ScholarshipApproximately $1,000Applications open in February annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.1 or more, UG or PG, any music discipline
Schubert BursaryApproximately $400Applications are not required.*1 or more, UG or PG,
Susan Eileen Mahon ScholarshipApproximately $5,000 per year for 3 yearsApplications are not required.*Blind/Vision impaired; UG; One award
The Graff Family Scholarship$10,000Applications are not required.*Rural student, financial need; UG or PG
VCA Scholarship Endowment Fund - Wilin AccessApproximately $1,000Applications open in February annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Indigenous, UG or PG
Welsford Smithers Memorial Travelling ScholarshipApproximately $25,000 in total - multiple awardsApplications open in March annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Graduate in music; to study overseas for 2 years; Travel; Multiple awards
Wilin ScholarshipApproximately $8,000 in total - multiple awardsApplications open in February annually. Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Indigenous, UG or PG
Willem Van Otterloo Fund ScholarshipApproximately $1,500Applications open in February triennially (last awarded 2019). Applications will close 4 weeks after the opening date.Final year graduate or postgraduate; orchestral instrument; One award; travel to Europe

*Nominations are made by the Head of discipline in consultation with academic staff. The Director and Dean will approve the recipients.