Dr Catherine Carr

Dr Catherine Carr is co-Director of IMCTnet. She initially studied Music Technology at the University of York, before training as a music therapist at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama.

Dr Catherine Carr is co-Director of IMCTnet. She initially studied Music Technology at the University of York, before training as a music therapist at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Her first study was a pilot randomised controlled trial of group music therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder. she then undertook an NIHR Clinical Doctoral Research Fellowship at Queen Mary University of London which focused upon modelling of processes and outcomes of intensive group music therapy for acute adult psychiatric inpatients. Since then, Catherine has completed a number of studies funded by an NIHR Clinical Lectureship and a further study on group songwriting for chronic depression (SYNCHRONY study), funded by NIHR Research for Patient Benefit. These studies have developed concepts of group music therapy for different clinical environments and populations. In 2019, she completed an NIHR Clinical Trials Fellowship and is now leading a multicentre trial, funded by the NIHR HTA programme in collaboration with East London NHS Foundation Trust.